16 August 2010

早餐店的蛋餅 - Egg Crepe Roll

I was really hungry when I got home today. There was nothing in the fridge and both mum and dad were out. Talking about the fridge.. After 15 years of faithful service, our beloved fridge broke down 2 weeks ago. Dad accidentally blocked its air vent with a Peters Trumpet. The poor thing over heated itself..

Back to the topic of I'm hungry.

I looked around in the kitchen for munchies to provide some hunger relief but there's nothing except for a carton of eggs. From the corner of my eyes I did spot a box of Mee Goreng.. HOWEVER, I always tell Vy how bad instant noodles are for her hence I didn't want to eat it myself. Walk the talk eh.

Quickly my brain switched to survival mode and an idea came into mind:

Eggs +  Flour  =  Egg Crepe!
蛋         面粉      蛋餅

蛋餅 is a popular Taiwanese breakfast item made using spring onion crepe and beaten eggs. The crispiness of the crepe marries the softness of the egg made perfect by the addition of sweet soy paste.

Every Taiwanese has a fond memory to tell involving egg crepe. This one is mine:

小時候媽媽每天騎摩托車載我和妹妹上學。上學的半路上有一位老婆婆推著一個攤子沿路叫賣蛋餅。看見老婆婆時,媽媽總是會停下車和老婆婆點2份蛋餅,2份豆奶外賣。老婆婆開心地邊煎蛋餅邊稱贊媽媽的女兒是多麼地可愛,逗得媽媽笑地合不攏嘴!然後,媽媽將買好的早餐掛在摩托車的手把繼續騎車。陣陣的蛋餅香隨風傳進妹妹和我的鼻子裏,令我們更加地盼望能夠趕緊到校,好能早點吃到蛋餅!到了教室後驚然發現: 原來,大家都很捧場老婆婆做的早餐。
Mum used to drive my sister and I to school on her red little scooter when we were in Primary School. On the way to school is an old lady pushing a stall along the road selling crepes. Upon seeing the old lady, my mother would stop the car and order 2 serves of egg crepe and 2 soy milk for take-away. The old lady was always happy to see us, she greeted us warmly. Then, my mother would hang the breakfast on the motorcycle's handlebars and continued the journey to school. The wind always carried the smell of freshly cooked egg crepe to us sitting at the back so we longed eagerly for the ride to hurry up that we could get to school sooner to have our crepe breakfast! When I walked into the classroom, I found to my surprise that all my friends are just as big a fan as me of the old lady's egg crepes!


Now my heart longs for 蛋餅. I quickly remembered seeing a recipe online so without delay I hopped online to BENNY媽咪  's home and wrote down the steps. 

早餐店的蛋餅 - Egg Crepe Roll
Receipe Source: BENNY媽咪

Crepe Ingredients (1):
Bread Flour ..... 4 tbsp
Starch Flour ..... 1 1/4 tbsp
Salt ..... small pinch
Water ..... 1/2 cup

Egg Mix Ingredients (2):
Egg ..... 1
Spring Onion ..... 1-2 tbsp
Salt ..... small pinch
Water ..... 1 tbsp
※I used one egg per crepe which was too thick. I suggest pouring a thin layer is enough but add more if you like eggs.

To Make:
1. Combine the ingredients in (1). Mix well till smooth. Rest mixture (1) for 10 minutes.
2. Beat the egg. Add water, spring onion, salt. Mix well.


3. Heat a flat base pan, add oil to form a thin layer. Pour half of mixture (1) into the pan, quickly move the pan to form a thin, round crepe.
4. Over slow heat, cook till the crepe is semi transparent. Flip over.


5. Pour in mixture (2) to evenly cover the crepe. Turn up heat to medium.
6. When the egg appears semi solid, flip the crepe again.


7. When the egg is ready... Fold the crepe from left to right 2 times to form a roll.
8. Cut into smaller pieces then add your favourite sauce to serve!
※ For my sauce, I used thick soy sauce paste (醬油膏), thinning it with water then added a dash of white vinegar & chopped garlic.

The end product!

I know it doesn't look much (mainly due to my lack of culinary skills) but it IS finger licking good! The photo appears blurry because I forgot to take the plastic film off the lens of my camera :S

幸福的味道, taste of happiness

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